GPIO Operation Issue in Jetpack 6.1


I am currently testing Jetson GPIO operation in Jetpack 6.1 environment.
I confirmed that sysfs is not supported in the Jetpack 6 environment, so I am testing gpiod.
I am using two products: Orin NX(8GB) module + Orin Nano Dev-kit Board, AGX Orin Dev-kit.
and I am testing in Jetpack 5.1.4 and Jetpack 6.1 environments, respectively.


  • Orin NX(8GB) module + Orin Nano Dev-kit Board / AGX Orin Dev-kit.
  • Jetpack: Jetpack 5.1.4 / Jetpack 6.1

TEST Process

  1. PIN Configration:
    Jetson Pin 38(gpio400/PI.01/line 52) set as input
    Jetson Pin 40(gpio399/PI.00/line 51) set as output
  2. Connect the two pins (40, 38) with a jumper cable.
  3. Set Pin 40 (output) to high (1) & low (0) and monitored the change on pin 38 (input).


  • The GPIO operates normally in Jetpack 5.1.4 for both products.
  • The GPIO fails in Jetpack 6.1 for both products.
  • I attached the results below. so please check the attached file.

Are there any additional settings or configuration required for testing in the Jetpack 6.1 environment?
How can I resolve this issue?

Hi hyojin.shin,

Please apply the patch in 40hdr - SPI1 gpio padctl register bit[10] effect by gpiod tools in JP6 - #20 by KevinFFF to check if it could help in your case.

I applied the patch from the provided link and tested the GPIO.
Unfortunately, I am still encountering an operation failure.
I attached the patch file and related information for your review. Could you please check the attached file?

Additionally, are there any other potential solutions to resolve this issue?

gpio.patch.txt (3.5 KB)

gpio.patch apply

It seems you’ve applied the patch in the link I shared.
You don’t need to apply the previous patch(as the one you shared in image).

What do you mean about “operation failure”?

“Operation failure” refers to the GPIO operation failure in the TEST I mentioned at the beginning.


I also applied only the patch in the link you shared, but the GPIO TEST still fails.


  • Orin NX(16GB) module + Orin Nano Dev-kit Board
  • Jetpack 6.0DP/ Jetpack6.0/ Jetpack 6.1/ Jetpack6.0+patch/ Jetpack6.1+patch

How did you configure this?
From pinmux spreadsheet?
If so, please share how did you configure it in pinmux spreadsheet.

Let us focus on this combination.

I haven’t made any changes.
I’m using the default pinmux spreadsheet.

You have to configure the pinmux spreadsheet if you want to control the PIN as Output since most of the pins are configured as Input by default.

I confirmed that GPIO TEST operates normally after modifying the pinmux, as shown below.


However, is it difficult to change input/output pins via software after the basic flash without configuring the pinmux?

You can also use tool like devmem to write the register directly but it would be only valid until shutdown.

Please do not short PIN40 and PIN38.
You can just get a scope to measure if PIN40 (PI.00) can be controlled high/low through gpioset command.

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