I recently got a Quadro fx 570 and downloaded the latest drivers from the Nvidia site and now have no clue as to how to manage the options available in the menus in the editing of video. At present I am editing SD and will in future be editing Hi def. My board is a media type 780g and I have a quad core amd 9750 with the Quadro board occupying the only PCI-E 2 slot and three gigs ram. AT xoralund@live.com or here would appreciate any help I can get. Looking at the terminology of some of the post I would not understand the mathematical references and most of the technical jargon, but push this button and click that thing and all those kinds of terms are not a problem for me.
I think you meant to post in another forum. This forum is about CUDA, not about editing video, so you’re not likely to get a lot of useful help here.