GST_ELEMENT_FACTORY gstelementfactory.c:458:gst_element_factory_make: no such element factory "nvmsgconv"!

Please provide complete information as applicable to your setup.

• Hardware Platform (Jetson / GPU)
• DeepStream Version
• JetPack Version (valid for Jetson only)
• TensorRT Version

• NVIDIA GPU Driver Version (valid for GPU only)
• Issue Type( questions, new requirements, bugs)
• How to reproduce the issue ? (This is for bugs. Including which sample app is using, the configuration files content, the command line used and other details for reproducing)
I am following the step in this video, using ```

From 23:00, the makefile shows mistake on finding google/protobuf in -I./deepstream_schema,
so I manually add  -I../../includes after CFLAGS+=.
After it compling successfully,I ran make install. The file is in /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.2/lib and /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/lib

then go to the folder ran the cmd as the video shows.
Series:/workspaces/vs-ds-demo/deepstream_reference_apps/deepstream-bodypose-3d/sources# ./deepstream-pose-estimation-app --input file:///workspaces/vs-ds-demo/deepstream_reference_apps/deepstream-bodypose-3d/streams/bodypose.mp4 --conn-str="localhost;9092;dstest"

the DEGUG=2  error log shows
0:00:00.071333480 55292 0x55e8b3147890 WARN                 default gstsf.c:97:gst_sf_create_audio_template_caps: format 0x120000: 'AVR (Audio Visual Research)' is not mapped
0:00:00.071349279 55292 0x55e8b3147890 WARN                 default gstsf.c:97:gst_sf_create_audio_template_caps: format 0x180000: 'CAF (Apple Core Audio File)' is not mapped
0:00:00.071353467 55292 0x55e8b3147890 WARN                 default gstsf.c:97:gst_sf_create_audio_template_caps: format 0x100000: 'HTK (HMM Tool Kit)' is not mapped
0:00:00.071357842 55292 0x55e8b3147890 WARN                 default gstsf.c:97:gst_sf_create_audio_template_caps: format 0xc0000: 'MAT4 (GNU Octave 2.0 / Matlab 4.2)' is not mapped
0:00:00.071361444 55292 0x55e8b3147890 WARN                 default gstsf.c:97:gst_sf_create_audio_template_caps: format 0xd0000: 'MAT5 (GNU Octave 2.1 / Matlab 5.0)' is not mapped
0:00:00.071364655 55292 0x55e8b3147890 WARN                 default gstsf.c:97:gst_sf_create_audio_template_caps: format 0x210000: 'MPC (Akai MPC 2k)' is not mapped
0:00:00.071369598 55292 0x55e8b3147890 WARN                 default gstsf.c:97:gst_sf_create_audio_template_caps: format 0xe0000: 'PVF (Portable Voice Format)' is not mapped
0:00:00.071386210 55292 0x55e8b3147890 WARN                 default gstsf.c:97:gst_sf_create_audio_template_caps: format 0x160000: 'SD2 (Sound Designer II)' is not mapped
0:00:00.071403979 55292 0x55e8b3147890 WARN                 default gstsf.c:97:gst_sf_create_audio_template_caps: format 0x190000: 'WVE (Psion Series 3)' is not mapped
0:00:00.392606458 55292 0x55e8b3147890 WARN      GST_PLUGIN_LOADING gstplugin.c:792:_priv_gst_plugin_load_file_for_registry: module_open failed: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

(gst-plugin-scanner:55292): GStreamer-WARNING **: 07:33:34.280: Failed to load plugin '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0/deepstream/': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
0:00:00.409437905 55292 0x55e8b3147890 WARN      GST_PLUGIN_LOADING gstplugin.c:792:_priv_gst_plugin_load_file_for_registry: module_open failed: ///opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.2/lib/ undefined symbol: descriptor_table_google_2fprotobuf_2ftimestamp_2eproto

(gst-plugin-scanner:55292): GStreamer-WARNING **: 07:33:34.297: Failed to load plugin '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0/deepstream/': ///opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.2/lib/ undefined symbol: descriptor_table_google_2fprotobuf_2ftimestamp_2eproto
0:00:00.411228913 55292 0x55e8b3147890 WARN      GST_PLUGIN_LOADING gstplugin.c:792:_priv_gst_plugin_load_file_for_registry: module_open failed: ///opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.2/lib/ undefined symbol: descriptor_table_google_2fprotobuf_2ftimestamp_2eproto

(gst-plugin-scanner:55292): GStreamer-WARNING **: 07:33:34.299: Failed to load plugin '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0/deepstream/': ///opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.2/lib/ undefined symbol: descriptor_table_google_2fprotobuf_2ftimestamp_2eproto
0:00:00.411806230 55292 0x55e8b3147890 WARN      GST_PLUGIN_LOADING gstplugin.c:792:_priv_gst_plugin_load_file_for_registry: module_open failed: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

(gst-plugin-scanner:55292): GStreamer-WARNING **: 07:33:34.299: Failed to load plugin '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0/deepstream/': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
0:00:00.560489327 55290 0x558e5dc37c10 WARN     GST_ELEMENT_FACTORY gstelementfactory.c:458:gst_element_factory_make: no such element factory "nvmsgconv"!

(deepstream-pose-estimation-app:55290): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 07:33:34.446: g_object_set: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed

(deepstream-pose-estimation-app:55290): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 07:33:34.446: g_object_set: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed

(deepstream-pose-estimation-app:55290): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: 07:33:34.446: gst_element_link_many: assertion 'GST_IS_ELEMENT (element_2)' failed
Elements could not be linked. Exiting.

All-Series:/workspaces/vs-ds-demo/deepstream_reference_apps/deepstream-bodypose-3d/sources# gst-launch-1.0 nvmsgconv  
0:00:00.014149930 61307 0x556dee9e6990 WARN     GST_ELEMENT_FACTORY gstelementfactory.c:458:gst_element_factory_make: no such element factory "nvmsgconv"!
0:00:00.014169064 61307 0x556dee9e6990 ERROR           GST_PIPELINE grammar.y:816:priv_gst_parse_yyparse: no element "nvmsgconv"
ERROR: pipeline could not be constructed: no element "nvmsgconv".
**•	Requirement details( This is for new requirement. Including the module name-for which plugin or for which sample application, the function description)**

There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue anymore. Hence we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one. Thanks

Can you elaborate how you installed DeepStream6.2 on your host? Can you run any sample in directory sources/apps/sample_apps or any other deepstream_app samples?
nvmsgconv is a plugin from DeepStream, not able to find this plugin indicates it may be related the installation of DeepStream on your host.

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