Thanks. I refer the doc and demo code,but cannot find the paras of label .
NvDsAnalyticsFrameMeta include:
ocStatus – dict<str, bool>, Holds a map of boolean status of overcrowding for configured ROIs,which can be accessed using key, value pair; where key is the ROI label.
objInROIcnt – dict<str, int>, Holds a map of total count of valid objects in ROI for configured ROIs,which can be accessed using key, value pair; where key is the ROI label.
objLCCurrCnt – dict<str, int>, Holds a map of total count of Line crossing in current frame for configured lines, which can be accessed using key, value pair; where key is the line crossing label.
objLCCumCnt – dict<str, int>, Holds a map of total cumulative count of Line crossing for configured lines, can be accessed using key, value pair; where key is the line crossing label
unique_id – str, Holds unique identifier for nvdsanalytics instance.
objCnt – int, Holds a map of total count of objects for each class ID, can be accessed using key, value pair; where key is class ID.
NvDsAnalyticsObjInfo include:
roiStatus – list of str, Holds the array of ROI labels in which object is present.
ocStatus – list of str, Holds the array of OverCrowding labels in which object is present.
lcStatus – list of str, Holds the array of line crossing labels which object has crossed.
dirStatus – str, Holds the direction string for the tracked object.
unique_id – int, Holds unique identifier for nvdsanalytics instance.