We’re trying to upgrade from DeepStream 6.2 to 6.3 but we set both enable-batch-process and enable-past-frame properties with GstNvTracker, which seem to have been removed from the tracker’s interface in this new version. What do you recommnend we do given we’re using those properties in our pipeline?
Thank you for the help and kind regards
• Hardware Platform - Jetson Orin • DeepStream Version - 6.3 • JetPack Version (valid for Jetson only) - 5.1 [L4T 35.2.1] • TensorRT Version - not sure, using libnvidia-container1:arm64 1.13.5-1 • Issue Type( questions, new requirements, bugs) - question
The error was: TypeError: object of type GstNvTracker' does not have property enable-batch-process’. And the same for the “enable-past-frame” property.
Based on that, it seems the “Past-frame target data is always reported in miscellaneous data”.
But does it still use the same NvDsPastFrameObjBatch as in DS 6.2 (the 6.2 docs used to say: If the past-frame data is retrieved from the low-level tracker, it would be reported as a user-meta, called NvDsPastFrameObjBatch.)?
Or will we have to change our code to accomodate any changes to your new implementation? (we currently also use NvDsPastFrameObjStream, NvDsPastFrameObjList, and NvDsPastFrameObj in our code)
There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue anymore. Hence we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one. Thanks