Oh, you’re using a language I haven’t prepared for.
In line 36 of that same 3rdparty.cmake script is a regular expression which looks for the compiler version major and minor numbers after the word “Version” in the output:
string(REGEX REPLACE ".*Version (..).(..).*" "\\1.\\2" cl_version ${cl_info_string})
but your compiler is reporting “versión” which isn’t matched and won’t fill the cl_version variable with just the version number only but the whole output. The following version number comparison in lines 62 to 74 fail then.
There are three possible ways to work around this:
You’re using 19.26 which maps to the range 19.20 to 19.29 (see line 60) which means MSVS 2019.
1.) I don’t know if this works, but one way would be to change that line 36 to
string(REGEX REPLACE ".*versión (..).(..).*" "\\1.\\2" cl_version ${cl_info_string})
2.) If the regular expression doesn’t handle the apostrophe, you could also simply hard-code the cl_version to your version number.
Keep or comment out line 36 and insert this line directly after it:
set(cl_version "19.26")
3.) Hardcode the GENERATOR and MSVC_TOOLSET to your compiler version directly. For that, comment out all lines between 62 and 74, and only uncomment lines 72 and 73 again:
set(GENERATOR "Visual Studio 16 2019")
set(MSVC_TOOLSET "msvc-14.2")