Hey, come and see my own volume rendering toolkit!


Volume rendering is an important visualization technology widely used in scientific analysis and medical imaging. It is mainly used to provide an intuitive 3D-View of a given 3D volume dataset.

VolTK is a free C++ Toolkit that implements a tri-layer volume rendering framework, which is designed to meet the requirements of both algorithm research and application assemblage. As a volume rendering researcher, I personally use it as a testing bed for my new ideas.


  • Tri-layer volume rendering
  • CPU implementation: multi-threading supported
  • GPU implementation: CUDA based implementation
  • CPU-GPU correspondance
  • Both low level interfaces and high level interfaces are provided
  • Replace the components easily with your own design
  • Various rendering modes: MIP/Isosurface/Full volume rendering
  • Endoscopy interaction mode implemented
  • Pre-integration supported
  • Cross platform (windows and RHEL tested)