I have a memory swap of 4gb in my jetson nano 2gb, and I am using docker container. Which parameter should I use to maximize the amount of memory used by the container (memory, shm, memory-swap?), and what is the maximum amount I can use for such parameters?
Thanks in advance.
Please see the following comment for some information:
Hi @jdwwhetten2 , can you try the suggestions from this post:
Namely, since you already have lots of SWAP mounted, try adding --memory=500M --memory-swap=8G to your docker run script.
Also, try disabling the X-server from starting and also disable ZRAM which can save memory. Use these commands and reboot:
$ sudo systemctl set-default multi-user.target
$ sudo systemctl disable nvzramconfig
Here are the comm…
It adds 500M physical memory and the 8G swap to the docker.
Thanks very much for your answer!
September 12, 2021, 2:04am
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