How does Deepstream change video source?

1.What should we do, when the screen have 2 video on the screen, but we want to 4 video show on the screen, now.

  1. Set rows and columns in tiled-display group
    DeepStream Reference Application - deepstream-app — DeepStream 6.1.1 Release documentation

  2. Add your new source group(s) as source0, source1, source2, source3… etc.
    DeepStream Reference Application - deepstream-app — DeepStream 6.1.1 Release documentation

  3. Set batch-size in streammux group
    DeepStream Reference Application - deepstream-app — DeepStream 6.1.1 Release documentation

  4. Set batch-size in primary-gie and secondary-gie groups


  1. Sorry I may not express clearly. I want to develop a monitor system that chgnge the play source when come a triggering signal . For example, the monitor system totally have 13 video source , sometimes, 2 video sorce is on the screm, and sometimes 4 video sorce is on the srceen.

  2. I have tested that I pay 2 vido source, and nvmultistreamtiler (defaul columns is 2 , rows is 1) change to ( columns is 2 , rows is 1). The system can not change to 1 video source.

  3. The show-source of nvmultistreamtiler only have 2 mode, if -1 paly all, else only a sigle source. Can we paly 2 source when system totaly has 13 source.

In my opinion, you can set nvmultistreamtiler’s rows and columns like that: