how can I integrate let’s say, the License Plate Recognition model from NGC with JPS instead of the default peoplenet or YoloV8 model? Can anyone suggest steps to follow?
There are three models (PGIE(car detection) → SGIE(car license plate detection) → SGIE(car license plate recognization)) in deepstream_lpr_app sample. JPS deepstream microservices use deepstream-test5 sample. I think you need to port those three models into deepstream-test5 sample. You also need modify Redis message schema for LPR application.
t-tech@ubuntu:~/deepstream_lpr_app/deepstream-lpr-app$ ./deepstream-lpr-app lpr_app_infer_us_config.yml
use_nvinfer_server:0, use_triton_grpc:0
Request sink_0 pad from streammux
One element could not be created. Exiting.