How to disable or uninstall on screen keyboard in Ubuntu

Hello, I’m using touchscreen for my project. I’m really fed up with on screen keyboard caribou.

I have tried to block it using gnome extension ‘block-caribou-36’. But for some devices after sometime it extension gets disabled. And the on screen keyboard pops again. I don’t want to find a workaround to enable it again. Can someone please tell me if I can delete this OSK completely?
Like sudo apt uninstall caribou? Please help me with this issue. I’m developing my software for more than 200 units for deployment and facing this issue in many devices. Please help

You might want to ask apt what it would do by using the “-s” option. This is a “what if” option to simulate the operating and show you what it would do:
sudo apt-get -s remove caribou

If there are dependencies, then it should mention removing more packages than just caribou.

Some acronyms for the same -s option from the man page:
-s, --simulate, --just-print, --dry-run, --recon, --no-act

Is it safe to remove using that command? Somewhere I read an article saying if we use that command it will delete some gdm (I don’t know what this gdm is) and some other libraries and it will crash the OS.

Please confirm if this is a safe measure to perform.
Thanks for your time.

It is impossible to know without knowing every single package being removed. However, if you post the output from the command that simulates removal of caribou, it is more likely people can spot risks. That’s the point of the above command…to not actually remove, but allow seeing what would be removed as a side-effect of losing caribou. This would be a way to create a log file of the above for posting on the forum; you could also use mouse copy and paste, and then highlight it with your mouse, followed by clicking on the forum’s “code” icon (looks like “</>” when editing a post) to preserve whitespace and formatting:

# Create a log to attach:
sudo -s
apt-get -s remove caribou 2>&1 | tee log_rm_caribou.txt

The above command does not actually remove anything, so it is safe. The command will show you the output you’d see if you were to run without the “-s” (“simulate”) option. The function will pretend it is doing that.

Hi, when I type your given command it says ’ Package ‘caribou’ is not installed, so not removed’
. Please guide me

Maybe it is a Python package, and uses snap? For system packages, what do you see with:
dpkg -l | grep -i 'caribou'

If the above shows nothing, then we can investigate the possibility that this is Python. For this case, what do you see from:
snap list | grep -i 'caribou'

If that also fails, then perhaps caribou is installed as a loose set of files, e.g., a tarball unpack.


dpkg -l | grep -i ‘caribou’ returned nothing.

snap list | grep -i ‘caribou’ returned - No snaps are installed yet. Try ‘snap install hello-world’.

Then how can caribou be installed? Tarball? How to check that then? Please help.

Thank you so much for your time.

Where is the file? If you run this on command line, then what do you see from:
which caribou
(I’m assuming I spelled it correctly, but if the name is actually typed in differently, use that)

If you know where the file is (I’m assuming it is spelled caribou), and if for example it is at “/usr/bin/caribou”, run the following to gather possible clues:

ls -l /usr/bin/caribou
file /usr/bin/caribou

I’m guessing this won’t be useful because this sounds like a module run by the GUI instead of something you manually start up. In that case maybe there is a man page. If so, then this will provide partial information:
man caribou

Should that fail, then you might need to install some locate software, or perhaps perform a recursive find. An example of recursive find for anything with a similar spelling:

sudo -s
cd /
find . -iname '*caribou*'

(this latter is probably the most powerful, but only if the name is in each file)

If you do find an executable file, then we can run ldd on it to see what it is linked to. Most of those will be things to leave alone, but should there be a library file which is part of caribou, then we’d find it.

sudo -s
cd /
find . -iname ‘caribou

After running the above command I’m getting this response included in image.
Please check it.

Apparently this is a feature of Gnome. This implies that the Gnome configuration can disable this feature, but it is probably not a separate package. The GUI has a “software center” application, and I’m not positive, but I think this might not only deal with packages, it might also have the ability to “unconfigure” caribou.

Also, I saw reference that the “Ubuntu Store” has something called “Block Caribou” which you could install.

Hmmm I know about block caribou extension. And that’s what I’m using now. But at some point of time, the extension gets disabled. And that’s what the whole point of removing caribou came into picture in this. Anyways maybe the extension is the only time being solution I guess. Thanks for your reply.

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