Hi all,
I want to enable dummy audio codec in NVIDIA Jetson TX2 NX. How can we enable the same?Kindly help on this?
Thanks in advance
Hi all,
I want to enable dummy audio codec in NVIDIA Jetson TX2 NX. How can we enable the same?Kindly help on this?
Thanks in advance
Hi joseneethu75,
By default, dummy sound card is available under name “tegrasndt186ref” in TX2 NX.
By dummy audio codec, do you mean a dummy software sound card that can be used for loopback?
Provide details of usecase intended
Hi atalambedu,
Sorry for the late reply.I want to interface I2S1 of TX2 NX with an audio processor .I am setting audio processor as slave and NVIDIA as master.NVIDIA needs to communicate with audio processor by outputting bclk and fsync.I am trying to create a dummy codec for this.How can we do the same?
Hi joseneethu75,
If you wish to receive the fs and bclk signals on audio processor’s I2S,
For playback examples and other details, refer documentation: https://docs.nvidia.com/jetson/l4t/index.html#page/Tegra%20Linux%20Driver%20Package%20Development%20Guide/asoc_driver.19.1.html#
For further discussion, start a new topic as the current topic has already been marked as solved
Hi @atalambedu ,
Thank you for the response.I will check and get back to you
Hi @atalambedu ,
I also need to interface I2S0 of TX2 NX with an audio processor.If that so , what all DT changes needs to be done?
Hi joseneethu75
Please file a new forum issue with audio processor and usecase details