How to get a detection label?

Dear All,

I have followed the tutorial from Nvidia and launched my jetson nano to do streaming recognition. However, I also want to catch the label which was showing on the screen. For example, there is a person on the screen and the model will tell me a person label. My question is how can get the label information for reference?

I saw someone use

“net.GetClassDesc(detections.classID)”, but it does not work for me.

The system gave a message as following.

AttributeError: ‘list’ object has no attribute ‘classID’

Thanks for help


Just confirm that you can get the label information like this:

# load the object detection network
net = jetson.inference.detectNet(, sys.argv, opt.threshold)

# detect objects in the image (with overlay)
detections = net.Detect(img, width, height, opt.overlay)


for detection in detections:

It should be detection.ClassID.


Dear AasraLLL,

Actually, I was following the 10 lines tutorial.

Here is my code. I am not quite sure where should I put the label command.


load the object detection model

net = jetson.inference.detectNet(“SSD-Mobilenet-v2”, threshold=0.5)
#threthold < 1

camera = jetson.utils.gstCamera(1280, 720, “/dev/video0”)

display = jetson.utils.glDisplay()

while display.IsOpen():
img, width, height = camera.CaptureRGBA()
detections = net.Detect(img, width, height, opt.overlay)
display.RenderOnce(img, width, height)
display.SetTitle(“Object Detection | Network {:.0f}FPS”.format(net.GetNetworkFPS()))

# find the object description
class_desc = net.GetClassDesc(detections.ClassID)

for a in detections:	
	print(a) #extract the detection results
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It should work like this:

net = jetson.inference.detectNet(“SSD-Mobilenet-v2”, threshold=0.5)
#threthold < 1

camera = jetson.utils.gstCamera(1280, 720, “/dev/video0”)

display = jetson.utils.glDisplay()

while display.IsOpen():
img, width, height = camera.CaptureRGBA()
detections = net.Detect(img, width, height, opt.overlay)

for detection in detections:

display.RenderOnce(img, width, height)
display.SetTitle(“Object Detection | Network {:.0f}FPS”.format(net.GetNetworkFPS()))


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Dear AastaLLL,

thanks for your help. It works and I could keep explore the new world.