While I’m working on creating my own app based on the kit-app-template tutorial, I’ve noticed that almost all the version numbers I’m seeing are significantly lower than those I found on the NVIDIA official website. For example, I can only access version 1.9.5 of omni.graph.tutorials, but the documentation online indicates version 1.21.0(Overview — kit-omnigraph 1.28.1 documentation), and some extensions mentioned in the documentation are not even available for download, like omni.graph.template.python which mentioned in omni.graph.docs( Creating Python Nodes — kit-omnigraph 1.24.0 documentation (nvidia.com))
The same issue occurs with native apps like code or kit, and even when using them, the version numbers I see in the extension interface are even lower.
I’m wondering if there’s a registry where I can pull the latest extensions.
Thank you