How to install onnx-tensorrt on Jetson devices?

Just as the topic, I want install onnx-tensorrt, the github link is below:

The building instruction is:

cd onnx-tensorrt
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DTENSORRT_ROOT=<path_to_trt> && make -j
// Ensure that you update your LD_LIBRARY_PATH to pick up the location of the newly built library:

I set the <path_to_trt> to usr/src/tensorrt

And I got the Error: third_party/onnx does not contain a CmakeLists.txt file.

Could you show me how to install it?
Thanks A LOT!!


Please check this comment for the detail instructions:


Hi, thanks a lot for reply

while, I can’t read the commands clearly, could you show them line by line?
Thanks a lot!!

@xushoushuai Have you resolved your problem? I am also facing some problem while building onnx-tensorrt in Xavier NX.