How to Publish tf with isaac_ros_apriltag

Hi! I am trying to use the isaac_ros_apriltag package following the Quickstart guide provided in the NVIDIA Isaac ROS documentation (isaac_ros_apriltag — isaac_ros_docs documentation).

My setup is as follows:

  • CPU: Intel(R) Core™ i7-12700H
  • GPU: NVIDIA RTX 3060
  • OS: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

For the Quickstart guide, I chose the Binary Package for “Build isaac_ros_apriltag” and selected the Rosbag option for “Run Launch File”. After running these steps, I noticed that the tf data is not being published.

The Quickstart page mentions tf under “ROS Topics Published” at the bottom, so I expected tf to be published. However, it is not happening in my case.

Could anyone advise on what is required to publish tf when using the isaac_ros_apriltag package? Are there additional steps or configurations needed to achieve this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

Hi @sakamaki

If you have tried our demo isaac_ros_apriltag — isaac_ros_docs documentation

From point Visualize Results

Instead of running the point (2):


Press the add button and add TF. Then, change to carter_camera_stereo_left as the Fixed Frame to visualize the same demo with the TF output (like the image below)

The TF are published just at the moment you run the ros bag file

Thank you for the support provided in response to my previous post.

Following the suggested method, I was able to successfully publish tf with the isaac_ros_apriltag package.

Thanks again for your assistance!

Best regards,

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