Here is a code example that follows the steps I indicated, using a prefix sum algorithm derived from the example given in GPU gems that I previously linked. I strongly encourage anyone to use thrust or cub instead.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
// a block-level exclusive prefix scan/sum
template <typename T>
__global__ void prescan(T *g_odata, T *g_idata, T *g_bdata, int n)
extern __shared__ T temp[]; // allocated on invocation
int thid = threadIdx.x;
size_t idx = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + thid;
int offset = 1;
temp[2*thid] = g_idata[2*idx]; // load input into shared memory
temp[2*thid+1] = g_idata[2*idx+1];
for (int d = n>>1; d > 0; d >>= 1) // build sum in place up the tree
if (thid < d)
int ai = offset*(2*thid+1)-1;
int bi = offset*(2*thid+2)-1;
temp[bi] += temp[ai];
offset *= 2;
if (thid == 0) { temp[n - 1] = 0; } // clear the last element
for (int d = 1; d < n; d *= 2) // traverse down tree & build scan
offset >>= 1;
if (thid < d)
int ai = offset*(2*thid+1)-1;
int bi = offset*(2*thid+2)-1;
T t = temp[ai];
temp[ai] = temp[bi];
temp[bi] += t;
g_odata[2*idx] = temp[2*thid]; // write results to device memory
g_odata[2*idx+1] = temp[2*thid+1];
if (thid == (blockDim.x-1)) g_bdata[blockIdx.x] = temp[2*thid+1] + g_idata[2*idx+1]; // scan value for block
template <typename IT, typename DT>
__global__ void icopy(IT *g_i1data, IT *g_i2data, IT *g_bdata, DT *g_iddata, DT *g_oddata)
size_t idx = (blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x)*2;
size_t cidx;
for (int offset = 0; offset < 2; offset++)
if (g_i1data[idx+offset]){
cidx = g_i2data[idx+offset] + g_bdata[blockIdx.x];
g_oddata[cidx] = g_iddata[idx+offset];}
const int BSIZE = 1024;
const int ESIZE = 2*BSIZE;
using itype = int;
using dtype = float;
const int nb = 2; // max 1024;, must be even
const int ds = nb*ESIZE; // two elements processed per thread
int main(){
// The input data must consist of a data array as well as a flag array.
// The flag array must take the value of 1 for elements to be copied, and 0 for no copy
// The data set size must be a whole number multiple of the block size, up to 1024 blocks max
// The data set must be "padded" up to the data set size if needed, with padded elements in the flag array as zero for no copy
// data setup
itype *h_f, *d_f, *d_fo, *d_b, *d_bo; // flag array
dtype *h_d, *d_d, *h_o, *d_o; // data to copy
size_t dsi = sizeof(itype)*ds;
size_t dsd = sizeof(dtype)*ds;
h_f = new itype[ds];
h_d = new dtype[ds];
cudaMalloc(&d_f, dsi);
cudaMalloc(&d_fo, dsi);
cudaMalloc(&d_d, dsd);
cudaMalloc(&d_b, nb*sizeof(itype));
cudaMalloc(&d_bo, nb*sizeof(itype));
for (int i = 0 ; i < ds; i++){
h_f[i] = i&1; // copy every other element
h_d[i] = sqrtf((float)i);}
cudaMemcpy(d_f, h_f, dsi, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
cudaMemcpy(d_d, h_d, dsd, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
// step 1 - block level prefix sum
prescan<<<nb,BSIZE, ESIZE*sizeof(itype)>>>(d_fo, d_f, d_b, ESIZE);
// step 2 - compute scan over blocks
prescan<<<1,nb/2, nb*sizeof(itype)>>>(d_bo, d_b, d_b, nb);
// step 3 - create output buffer
itype buf_size;
cudaMemcpy(&buf_size, d_b, sizeof(itype), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
cudaMalloc(&d_o, buf_size*sizeof(dtype));
// step 4 - fixup index and indexed copy
icopy<<<nb,BSIZE>>>(d_f, d_fo, d_bo, d_d, d_o);
// step 5 - print results
h_o = new dtype[buf_size];
cudaMemcpy(h_o, d_o, buf_size*sizeof(dtype), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
for (int i = 0; i < buf_size; i++) std::cout << h_o[i] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
This code can be made to work for about 4M elements. Beyond that, you would need to add an additional scan layer/operation.