How to read out the GPU DRAM Bandwidth with Nvidia Nsight system

I am using the Nvidia Nsight Systems (nsys-ui) and profiling my application, after I capture the log,

from there, how do I get some direct reading of “CPU Read Throughput” and “CPU Write Throughput” in GB/s? more like this format here?


It’s recommended to convert the data from MB/s to GB/s on your own.
Please let me know if we do not understand your question clearly.


Thank you for your response, it’s not about conversion from MB/s to GB/s, from captured nsys-ui report, I can only see information like: the duration (+10.464 us), Value: 1.0%. It’s not in a typical throughput format (MB/s or GB/s).


Please find more info in our nsys document:

  • DRAM Read Bandwidth - …
  • VRAM Read Bandwidth - …


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