I am using CAN on Jetson Tx2 board, I could able to work with it fine. I could able to send/receive messages.I tested CAN is working fine with my tests.
But one of my test is to create bus off scenario, by making CAN-H and CAN-L short when communication is in progress. I could able to do that, it entered into bus off when i short CAN-H and CAN-L. can state is showing BUS-OFF and berr-counter is showing some values.
Now i am trying to recover from the bus off with option, restart-ms.
Followed seq :
sudo ip link set down can0
sudo ip link set can0 type can restart-ms 100
sudo ip link set up can0
Then my Jetson TX2 board starts Freezing up and then restarts automatically.
I don’t think this is expected behavior.
Can you please help me to fix this issue.