How to Use Deepstream Python Bindings with Custom Model Weights (YoloV3)

Hello all.

I am trying to use custom YoloV3 weights as a model for DeepStream with Python Bindings. I am working with the “deepstream-test1-usbcam”, which works fine using all preset settings (I believe the original weights include Person, Bicycle, RoadSign, and a other thing which I forget). So within the pgie file, I changed where it says “model-file=…” to point to my custom .weight file, and changed the number of detected classes to 1 (the custom model only has 1). When trying to run this, I get some “CaffeParser” errors which I cannot find much information on. I found that if I comment out the “model-engine-file=…” and “proto-file…” lines, it should generate a new .cfg file, but this didn’t seem to affect the error output at all.

Am I missing something? Should I attempt to use some of the yoloV3 configuration files?

Hardware: Jetson Xavier NX
Jetpack 4.5.1
DeepStream 5.1

Thank you.

what files does your custom YoloV3 include?
Is it caffe model?

No, unfortunately it is just a .weights file. Does this mean I would continue using the preset caffemodel but point it to my own .weights? Or how would I go about this? Thank you.

With only weights, how can you make sure your weight matches the model configure file?

From the error log from your screenshot, looks the failure is caused by the mismatch of weight and model config

So would I use the “yolov3.cfg” instead of the caffemodel and point it to my weights? Thank you.

Another thing, so it seems there’s a lot less information to go on for the Python bindings (which I need), however, I decided to test out the regular “objectDetector_Yolo” to get a feel for that. I copied over the yolov3.cfg and yolov3.weights files to the directory, and ran:
“deepstream-app -c deepstream_app_config_yoloV3.txt”. It seems to run fine, however, when it starts to build/process the file through TRT, it outputs “conv_1, leaky_1, …” up until “conv_107. yolo_107,”, and then freezes, and after a few minutes says I do not have enough resources to apparently run it?
What might I be doing wrong here? Thank you again.

It really depends on where your weights is from.

With caffe train, it generates YoloV3 caffe cfg and weights
With DarkNet train, it generates YoloV3.cfg and weights

You must use the weight and the correspding cfg generated in one train

could you share the details of these operations? I don’t understand how you do that.

Sure. So basically I’m just trying to test out the “deepstream_app_config_yoloV3.txt” with the standard settings within deepstream-5.1/sources/objectDetector_Yolo. When I first installed and built Deepstream, it gave errors when running it through the command “deepstream-app -c deepstream_app_config_yoloV3.txt”, which said it couldn’t find yolov3.cfg. So from the YoloV3 folder I had (from AlexeyAB’s darknet), I copied over the yolov3.cfg and yolov3.weights files into the objectDetector_Yolo folder.

When trying to run the deepstream app, everything seems to load fine at the start, but when it gets to the TensorRT part, it seems to get up to a certain point, then freezes and does not output any sort of error.

Did you run it under ssh terminal?
If you did, you can try either solution of below

  1. edit deepstream_app_config_yoloV3.txt and change “type=2” to “tyep=1”


$ export DISPLAY=:0
$ export DISPLAY=:1
and then run “deepstream-app -c deepstream_app_config_yoloV3.txt”

I tried changing the sink type as well as both DISPLAYs (0, 1), and it still seems to freeze at the same spot.

I also tried following this guide on using a custom Yolo model CustomModels

And I got the same result, where it gets stuck on yolo_107 when building the TensorRT engine.

Here is the Terminal output which I did not provide earlier.

What I have in mind is that people are saying in their cases they used DeepStrean 5.0 with JetPack 4.4, which I can try on another SD card, but I’m confused as to why this freezes and doesn’t output anything or open any camera terminal.

Thank you.

How long did you wait?
From the log, it was build the TensorRT engine, this steps needs some minutes (without log print from the terminal during that time).

Yep, that seemed to have been the case! It was more in the 10-15 minute range, but it ended up working. Thank you for all the help!