From the up picture,we can see that sensor+ISP+Tegra drivers is worked for some camera sensors.
I used ar231 which itself has ISP.
I want to know if I can convert the camera data format in ISP of nvidia such as YUV to RGB ; which not applicable to ISP provided by sensor, .
How to use the ISP of nvidia?
Is there any document about it ?
since you’re working with AR0231, which has internal ISP. you can only enable v4l2src to access camera stream.
please note that you can only using that ISP block with bayer sensors.
Could we bypass the ar231 itself ISP ? Only use the ISP of nvidia.
We have a need to do data format conversion. At present, the output format of camera module is YUV. We can’t operate the internal ISP of ar231. Now we use CPU to convert YUV data format to RGB, and the CPU utilization rate is relatively high. We are considering using NVIDIA ISP instead of ar231 sensor ISP to convert the original data format.
could you please confirm the output formats of your AR0231 sensor module?
you can only enable v4l2src to access camera stream if it’s output YUV formats.
there’s Multimedia API Sample Applications, 12_camera_v4l2_cuda.
it demonstrates how to capture images from a V4L2 YUV type of camera and share the image stream with CUDA engine.
it’s correct that pipeline is camera_sensor —> CSI —> VI —> memory;
however, it’s incorrect of your understanding for the bayer sensor connections, it’s “Sensor” block in the software architecture.
you may refer to Sensor Software Driver Programming Guide to bring-up your bayer sensors.
please note that, you may need image quality tuning supports, which we don’t support it via forums.
there’re further things processed by ISP, we’re having Jetson Preferred Partners, they should also provide camera solutions.
you should also refer to Jetson Partner Supported Cameras, which lists cameras supported by Jetson Camera Partners on the Jetson platform.
ISP only receive bayer sensor formats, i.e. RAW10, RAW12…etc.
there’re several process handled by ISP, it’s demosaic to convert bayer format into YUV for further usage.
again, you’ll need a bayer sensor for going through CameraCore to enable ISP features.
please access Xavier datasheet, you should check Chapter-1.4.4 Image Signal Processor for more details.