What is the cable you are using?
cable I’m using…
IBN5800-3 Gore Infiniband 3M Cable
Did you try swapping the cable from the top port to bottom port?
I took cable to both ports on one card and cant get a link light.
I took cable and went top port to top port on 2 machines and works and can ping away and access files without issue
I took cable and went top port on one and bottom port on another and no link light
I took cable and went bottom port on both and cant get a link light
it just seem that I cant get the bottom ports to work even though windows/esxi/freenas all see both ports but link never goes up… no matter what I try…
Also, to what are these cards connected? Is it back to back with HCA or there is a switch in between?
I was doing card to card aka pier to pier. I even put 4 cards in one machine and had 4 machines connected all through just top ports. tried bottoms in every configuration and never got anywhere. couldn’t get link lights…
I went out and bought an HP Procurve 6600cl off of ebay and now I’m going from top ports of nic to the switch and have all of that working.
I did not try a bottom port of any of the cards to the switch - but I don’t have my hopes up…
these cards are old… ConnectX-1 cards… I get that they are old… but work… and for the price and just a home user… works great so been learning how to flash firmware, how to set them up as Ethernet instead of infiniband… and it has been fun.
now these are HP branded cards to which HP only has firmware up to 2.8 and I found the model these translate too as MHGH29-XTC cards. I then found on Mellanox site, 2.9.1000 firmware and force flashed a few cards as they took and are working. still only top ports… its so weird…
now I put this post here to see if anyone has seen this issue before but its not like its killing me.
my next step is trying to find out how or if even possible to make a custom firmware for these cards to 2.9.1200 or higher to support rdma in windows for better speed performance… ive had no luck but have seen someone post on the forums that he would give a link to 2.9.1200 for these cards but he didn’t provide the link and I have messaged him and have not received a message. he did post in December so I know he is kinda active. I’m just being patient waiting for him…