Hy i want to run jupyter notebook on nvidia gpu can some one guide me?

hy i want to run jupyter notebook on nvidia gpu can some one guide me?

Hi @fasihkhan143554,
Juypter notebook can be run on any system, which every framework you are using, you just need to enable GPU .
for eg., to validate, tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU') to know that TensorFlow is using the GPU.


I want to use the gpu of my system (Geforce RTX 3060 6GB) to execute the Jupyter notebook for training the model using Pytorch. But I am unable to execute the code using gpu. It is showing the device as cpu not gpu.
for example when i do, device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" i get “cpu”.
Can someone please help me ?