I am just getting started on omniverse. As I followed some of the setup videos and the blogs, seems like it should pop up Omniverse viewer once I send to omniverse, but I keep getting this Unable to find error
I assume there’s some setting error, but there’s no other options other than Use Custom
and I cannot find omniverse-kit.exe nor omniverse-kit-brick.bat files.
I also know I probably should download Omniverse View App, but there’s just not when I searched it. All I can find is USDview I assume they are not the same thing.
Any suggestion will be helpful. thanks.
It seems like you are looking at some VERY old information. Can you point me to that please. We have not had Omniverse VIEW in 2 years.
Here is my advice. Simply export your Revit scene as an FBX file. Then go to USD Composer and import it. No connectors or Nucleus needed. Very fast.
Also, you are using the old version if you are on Launcher. Launcher is on a depreciated flight path. The new way of doing things is to download the latest Kit 106.5 from our GITHUB page and building it. Please follow these instructions exactly for the latest version
Here is my one list cheat sheet for quick build
- Download “git” from Git - Downloads
- Download "git Large File Storage from https://git-lfs.com/
- Start a windows command console by using running “cmd” from the Windows Start menu
- Navigate to the root of c: or d: drive. Example
- Copy and run
git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA-Omniverse/kit-app-template.git
- run
cd kit-app-template
- run
repo template new
- run
repo build
- run
repo launch -d
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