Dear friends, any idea how to solve above two errors?I have tried solving it using all the available suggestions from internet. But still couldnot solve it. I have set in project–>properties–>configuration properties–>CUDA c/c+±->Device
C interleaved in PTXAS output: Yes (–opencc-options -LIST:source=on)
code generation: compute_30,sm_30
Generate GPU debug information: Yes(-G)
Generate Line Number Information: No
Max used register: 0
Verbose PTXAS output: Yes(–ptxas-options=-v)
Thanks friends.
The solution given in the following link are working fine. I can compile the code correctly. But after compilation I cannot find where the .mexw64 (generated compiled file) file is getting stored. According to the website suggestion, I checked in the following path for the mex file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Cpp REST SDK for Visual Studio 2013\SDK\bin\x64\Debug
But it was not there as well.
In configuration properties–>General–>Output Directory: $(SolutionDir)$(Platform)$(Configuration)\
But I am not able to figure out the solution directory path. So, if possible can you suggest me where can I find this output file.
i have the same problem (__syncthreads())is undefined,
also i have an itellisense: expected an expression for the execution of the Global function ( fun_d<<<NbBlocks, NbthreadsPerBlock>>>(x_d, y_d, z_d, n);): for the number of <<<
i add these: but it doesn’t work #include <cuda.h> #include <device_functions.h> #include “cuda_runtime.h” #include “device_launch_parameters.h” #include <cuda_runtime_api.h>