I have the Jetson TX2 Developer kit but I can’t follow the documentation for bringing the board up. I can’t even get past the initial step which is to load the SDK and updates. I go to the list of downloads page where it’s supposed to be and there isn’t anything which looks like an SDK download.
Also, what is loaded on the host and what is loaded on the TX2?
I also don’t know where to get the flash directories and flash.sh script necessary to flash the bootloader and kernel.
In some cases you may need to create a login to download (the forum and downloads are separate logins).
A graphical front end to everything is JetPack. This must run on an Ubuntu 14.04 x86_64 host. The actual flash (which can be used on command line or indirectly via JetPack) works on any x86_64 Linux host and is not restricted to Ubuntu 14.04. The basic flash without JetPack implies downloading the driver package (which provides flash.sh) and the sample rootfs.
Here is minimal command line flash info without JetPack:
Unpack the driver package (creates “Linux_for_Tegra” subdirectory):
tar xjvf Tegra186_Linux_R27.1.0_aarch64.tbz2
# cd into "Linux_for_Tegra/rootfs", use sudo to unpack the sample rootfs:
sudo tar xjvf ../wherever/it/is/Tegra_Linux_Sample-Root-Filesystem_R27.1.0_aarch64.tbz2
# cd back up one directory to the "Linux_for_Tegra" directory ("cd ..").
sudo ./apply_binaries.sh
Verify you still have enough disk space of type ext4, perhaps 35GB:
df -H -T .
Put the Jetson in recovery mode (hold the recovery button while powering on the Jetson or hitting reset for an already on Jetson, connect the micro-B USB cable to host). Verify host can see the Jetson…see output from this lsusb command:
lsusb -d 0955:7c18
Flash with sudo:
sudo ./flash.sh -S 28GiB jetson-tx2 mmcblk0p1
EDIT: Note that maximum eMMC use is with “-S 29318MiB”.
This takes a lot of disk space and time. Be patient.
Officially only 14.04 is supported for JetPack (command line does not have that limitation). I’ve heard of people getting 16.04 to work for Jetson software, but I think those people did some minor adjustment for 16.04…I don’t know what that adjustment was.
I don’t have any problems running JetPack on a 16.04 host. Where about is it hanging?
One thing to note, JetPack is a windowed application, not command line. So you’ll either need to be running it on a linux machine with a monitor attached with a desktop or you’ll have to export your DISPLAY back to a host running an XServer if you are logged in remotely.
My host is set up with the old 16.04 JUST so it will be (mostly) compatible with the TX2. Only had one problem running JetPack 3.0, twice to the same board and it was minor once someone told me what it was. That “hit return to continue” after all the software has loaded to the TX2. I waited overnight to see if a single “return” until I found out that it wants about a dozen “returns.”
I’m installing JetPack3.0, but after “Finished Flashing OS”, it hangs on “Determining the IP address of target”. Is it really hung or is it still installing CUDA, TensorRT, OpenCV, etc.? I don’t know whether to try and reset the board or not.
It sounds like router setup…which means flash completed. It might depend on whether the PC is acting as router or if you have a hardware appliance router. Which do you have for router? Can you see in logs to the router if there was a DHCP request?
That might be the problem. The TX2 has a WiFi connect to the network, while the host PC has a USB 10/100 LAN connect(to the same network). Is there any way to configure this, or do they both have to have the same ETH0 connect?
The Jetson must be wired ethernet. I do not know about whether the PC needs to be wired, I suspect it just depends on the quality of the WiFi (combined with whether there is a separate router or whether the PC is acting as router).
Not necessary I’m afraid. I used Ubuntu 14.04 in VMware workstation 12 on my laptop to flash the TX2. Both my laptop and TX2 are on the router’s Wifi network. Everything worked just fine. The only thing I did was changed the Network Adapter from NAT to bridged in VMware.