Introducing Myself and Asking for Direction

Hi forum,
My pleasure to be here, I am very happy to see you all.
I have been hired recently by a company and this is the first time I use jetson and am totally new to GPU stuffs things.
Will you please direct me to place that I can learn the general terms and jargon related to GPU and JETSON tx2 and other related subjects?
More importantly I am trying to install a good IDE and programming environment to be able to learn and update my C programming knowledge and due to lack of experience in ubuntu and lack of knowledge in entire nvidia I am badly stuck. I get error message while installing necessary stuffs and all sorts of error when wanting to do even a simple program.

Any help and recommendation will be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards

Hi farhad.saddigh,

Welcome to Jetson & Embedded Systems forum.

Please read the FAQ, check out our support resources, tutorials, and browse the online documentation Documents to start with are:
Jetson Developer Kit user guides, L4T Development Guide.

We also have links to Jetson TX2 sesources and Wiki at here.

Thanks kayccc for the answer.
Lots of great information. I learned a lot and going to digest and find other areas.

Something very simple which will make your life easier is knowing about ssh and copying files to/from the running Jetson (the “scp” command is sort of like “cp”, but works via ssh to/from remote systems).

Another tip is to understand that there are times when you need the super user authority. The account “root” is normally the account which you would do this from, but Ubuntu locks this account. There is a second mechanism every Linux system has, but which is normally mandatory for Ubuntu: The “sudo” command. To run a single command as root, e.g., to list files: “sudo ls”.

To drop into a root shell for a series of commands (there are alternative methods to do this as well):

sudo -s some things as root/root authority...

If you get to the point where you want to make things more convenient and streamlined to get rid of the need to use passwords all the time, and perhaps to even do remote root commands, then see this:

Note that ssh keys are actually more secure than passwords. The root account itself can be unlocked, then ssh keys added for just your host, followed by re-locking the account (the lock is against password login, not root authority…an ssh key can be used instead of sudo).


One more question that I have is on programming,

Is it possible to have a robust IDE and usual compiling and building process on Jetson TX2?

I am following some tutorials and almost all of them mention things like host computer and remote type things.

I also get lots of error. Sorry for not writing the specific error. I think I am way off.

See the answers here for IDE:

You would have to give more details of what command gave an error, and what the error was, but another detail you might be interested in learning more about is remote execution, especially over ssh.

When you log in to a remote Linux system to run a command there are basically two categories of commands: Either something non-GUI executing entirely on the remote system, or else something with a GUI which displays the remote system’s GUI on the local system’s graphical desktop. When you get a chance to post about the error or command, also always note if this is being done via a remote connection or locally at the terminal. More details won’t be possible until we know what it was which produced the error.

Thanks a lot linuxdev, VS Code seems to be the tool I was looking for.

The reason I did not specify the error was because I was afraid that maybe it is not fitting the rules and section of the very forum.

Can I please experiment with this new IDE and then give the error specifications? Should I post them here or another thread?

The main question that I had was this? Is it possible to write program directly on TX2 or having a host computer is a MUST?

If you have an issue getting things working as you need on a TX2, then this is the right place. In some cases someone might say “we don’t know, you’ll need to ask the producer of that 3rd party software…”, but nobody will worry about whether a TX2 question is good or bad.

You can do full development directly on the Jetsons for most purposes, although there are a few fringe case exceptions.

If you wish to flash to a new release, then you do need a Linux/Ubuntu host PC. You have the option of cross compiling and developing from a Linux host.