Hi @JerryChang ,
From your comments JetPack5 GPIO Assignments in NX Module - #5 by JerryChang, How to know the port number the board and system device name - #5 by JerryChang and GPIO, SPI and PWM not working on Jetson Xavier NX - #25 by JerryChang, does it mean that TEGRA194_MAIN_GPIO or TEGRA194_AON_GPIO should not be used anymore in Kernel 5.10 as they give incorrect number and the GPIO number should be used directly ?
Concretely, instead of using :
irq-gpios = <&tegra_aon_gpio TEGRA194_AON_GPIO(CC, 3) GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
I should use :
interrupts = <320 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING>;
irq-gpios = <&tegra_aon_gpio 320 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
with 320 taken from :
gpio-320 (PCC.03 )
What is your opinion?
Best Regards,