Please provide complete information as applicable to your setup.
• Hardware Platform (Jetson / GPU) GPU
• DeepStream Version 6.3 (Docker 6.3-triton-multiarch)
• JetPack Version (valid for Jetson only)
• TensorRT Version 8.4.1-1
• NVIDIA GPU Driver Version (valid for GPU only) 525.125.06
• Issue Type( questions, new requirements, bugs) questions
Hi, I tried to extract RGB images from surface objects by using the code below.
(Modified from Access frame pointer in deepstream-app - #24 by bcao). I found that the color format is NVBUF_COLOR_FORMAT_NV12_ER for stream sources but I don’t have any idea how to work with this particular color format and how to convert it’s to RGB image . I tried to used opencv but the images come out as grey-scaled and it’s channel seem a bit weird.
Testing with 1 rtsp stream sources with nvmultiurisrcbin (num_src = 1)
static GstPadProbeReturn
pgie_sink_pad_buffer_probe (GstPad * pad, GstPadProbeInfo * info,
gpointer u_data)
cv::Mat in_mat;
cv::Mat matBGR;
GstBuffer *buf = (GstBuffer *) info->data;
NvDsMetaList * l_frame = NULL;
NvDsMetaList * l_user_meta = NULL;
NvDsUserMeta *user_meta = NULL;
NvDsInferSegmentationMeta *seg_meta_data = NULL;
NvBufSurfaceColorFormat *color_format = NULL;
// Get original raw data
GstMapInfo in_map_info;
char* src_data = NULL;
if (!gst_buffer_map (buf, &in_map_info, GST_MAP_READ)) {
g_print ("Error: Failed to map gst buffer\n");
gst_buffer_unmap (buf, &in_map_info);
NvBufSurface *surface = (NvBufSurface *);
NvDsBatchMeta *batch_meta = gst_buffer_get_nvds_batch_meta (buf);
for (l_frame = batch_meta->frame_meta_list; l_frame != NULL;
l_frame = l_frame->next) {
NvDsFrameMeta *frame_meta = (NvDsFrameMeta *) (l_frame->data);
/* Validate user meta */
for (l_user_meta = frame_meta->frame_user_meta_list; l_user_meta != NULL;
l_user_meta = l_user_meta->next) {
user_meta = (NvDsUserMeta *) (l_user_meta->data);
if (user_meta && user_meta->base_meta.meta_type == NVDSINFER_SEGMENTATION_META) {
seg_meta_data = (NvDsInferSegmentationMeta*)user_meta->user_meta_data;
src_data = (char*) malloc(surface->surfaceList[frame_meta->batch_id].dataSize);
if(src_data == NULL) {
g_print("Error: failed to malloc src_data \n");
NvBufSurfaceMap (surface, -1, -1, NVBUF_MAP_READ);
NvBufSurfacePlaneParams *pParams = &surface->surfaceList[frame_meta->batch_id].planeParams;
unsigned int offset = 0;
for(unsigned int num_planes=0; num_planes < pParams->num_planes; num_planes++){
offset += pParams->height[num_planes-1]*(pParams->bytesPerPix[num_planes-1]*pParams->width[num_planes-1]);
for (unsigned int h = 0; h < pParams->height[num_planes]; h++) {
memcpy((void *)(src_data+offset+h*pParams->bytesPerPix[num_planes]*pParams->width[num_planes]),
(void *)((char *)surface->surfaceList[frame_meta->batch_id].mappedAddr.addr[num_planes]+h*pParams->pitch[num_planes]),
NvBufSurfaceSyncForDevice (surface, -1, -1);
NvBufSurfaceUnMap (surface, -1, -1);
// dump_jpg(src_data,
// surface->surfaceList[frame_meta->batch_id].width,
// surface->surfaceList[frame_meta->batch_id].height,
// seg_meta_data, frame_meta->source_id, frame_meta->frame_num);
Color format from file sources: 34 -> NVBUF_COLOR_FORMAT_NV12_709_ER
from stream sources: 7 -> NVBUF_COLOR_FORMAT_NV12_ER
if(src_data != NULL) {
in_mat =
cv::Mat (surface->surfaceList[frame_meta->batch_id].planeParams.height[0],
surface->surfaceList[frame_meta->batch_id].planeParams.width[0], CV_8UC4,
cv::cvtColor(in_mat, matBGR, cv::COLOR_RGBA2RGB);
//cv::cvtColor(in_mat, matBGR ,cv::COLOR_BGR2YUV_I420);
if (save_img == 0)
imwrite("test.jpg", matBGR);
save_img = 1;
src_data = NULL;
gst_buffer_unmap (buf, &in_map_info);
The results from using the above code.
If replacing cvtColor function with this
cv::cvtColor(in_mat, matBGR ,cv::COLOR_BGR2YUV_I420);
any help is appreciated!