I’m currently working through the Isaac Sim tutorials and have encountered an issue with the “Hello_world” app, specifically in section 5.1.4. After loading the app, the Franka robot model gets stuck in its initial position and does not respond when I try to move the target. I have followed all the steps in the tutorial carefully, but the problem persists.
Additionally, I’ve encountered several warnings and errors in the console logs, which I’m unsure how to resolve. Here’s a summary of the log messages:
- Connection Status: Successfully connected to the Omniverse server on localhost.
- Warnings about UsdStage Reference Counts: Indicating potential memory management issues.
- URDF Import Warnings: Specifically mentioning that
lacks colliders and inertia, and a small isotropic inertia matrix was assigned. - Type Mismatch Error: For a damping property, expecting ‘float’ but got ‘double’.
- PhysX Plugin Warnings: Issues parsing tendon axis due to topology constraints and more than 4 velocity iterations being added to a TGS scene.
- Dynamic Control and PhysX Tensors Plugin Errors: Failed to find articulation at ‘/panda’, indicating issues with articulation initialization.
- AttributeError in Isaac Sim Extension: Related to an object not having the ‘is_homogeneous’ attribute, possibly during scene reset or robot initialization.
I’ve included these details hoping someone might point out what I’m missing or doing wrong. Has anyone experienced similar issues or can offer advice on how to troubleshoot these errors? I’m particularly stuck on why the Franka robot does not move and how to address the console errors and warnings.
Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your support!
[307.022s] [ext: omni.isaac.sim-2023.1.1] startup
2024-02-04 23:56:01 [319,239ms] [Error] [asyncio] Task exception was never retrieved
future: <Task finished name=‘Task-1328’ coro=<BaseSampleExtension._on_load_world.._on_load_world_async() done, defined at /home/pkoprov/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/exts/omni.isaac.examples/omni/isaac/examples/base_sample/base_sample_extension.py:152> exception=Exception(‘Cannot add the object target to the scene since its name is not unique’)>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/pkoprov/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/exts/omni.isaac.examples/omni/isaac/examples/base_sample/base_sample_extension.py”, line 153, in _on_load_world_async
await self._sample.load_world_async()
File “/home/pkoprov/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/exts/omni.isaac.examples/omni/isaac/examples/base_sample/base_sample.py”, line 47, in load_world_async
await self._world.reset_async()
File “/home/pkoprov/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/exts/omni.isaac.core/omni/isaac/core/world/world.py”, line 518, in reset_async
await self.reset_async_set_up_scene()
File “/home/pkoprov/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/exts/omni.isaac.core/omni/isaac/core/world/world.py”, line 444, in reset_async_set_up_scene
File “/home/pkoprov/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/exts/omni.isaac.core/omni/isaac/core/tasks/follow_target.py”, line 76, in set_up_scene
File “/home/pkoprov/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/exts/omni.isaac.core/omni/isaac/core/tasks/follow_target.py”, line 116, in set_params
self._target = self.scene.add(
File “/home/pkoprov/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/exts/omni.isaac.core/omni/isaac/core/scenes/scene.py”, line 100, in add
raise Exception(“Cannot add the object {} to the scene since its name is not unique”.format(obj.name))
Exception: Cannot add the object target to the scene since its name is not unique
2024-02-04 23:56:10 [328,269ms] [Warning] [omni.usd] Unexpected reference count of 2 for UsdStage ‘anon:0x7f2ec800b540:World3.usd’ while being closed in UsdContext (this may indicate it is still resident in memory).
2024-02-04 23:56:10 [328,910ms] [Warning] [omni.isaac.core.simulation_context.simulation_context] A new stage was opened, World or Simulation Object are invalidated and you would need to initialize them again before using them.
2024-02-04 23:56:24 [342,359ms] [Warning] [omni.usd] Unexpected reference count of 2 for UsdStage ‘anon:0x7f3cf80008d0:World4.usd’ while being closed in UsdContext (this may indicate it is still resident in memory).
2024-02-04 23:56:24 [342,613ms] [Warning] [carb] Client omni.physx.plugin has acquired [carb::settings::ISettings v1.0] 100 times. Consider accessing this interface with carb::getCachedInterface() (Performance warning)
2024-02-04 23:56:25 [343,348ms] [Warning] [omni.importer.urdf] Link panda_link8 has no colliders, and no inertia was imported; assigning a small isotropic inertia matrix
2024-02-04 23:56:25 [343,452ms] [Warning] [omni.usd] Coding Error: in _SetValueImpl at line 6189 of /buildAgent/work/ac88d7d902b57417/USD/pxr/usd/usd/stage.cpp – Type mismatch for </panda/panda_hand/panda_finger_joint1.physxTendon:panda_finger_joint2:damping>: expected ‘float’, got ‘double’
2024-02-04 23:56:25 [343,775ms] [Warning] [carb] Client omni.stageupdate.plugin has acquired [omni::hydra::IOmniHydra v2.0] 100 times. Consider accessing this interface with carb::getCachedInterface() (Performance warning)
2024-02-04 23:56:25 [343,950ms] [Warning] [omni.physx.plugin] Could not parse tendon axis at /panda/panda_hand/panda_finger_joint2 due to a topology issue: Refer to the topology constraints in the USD schema doc for PhysxTendonAxisAPI.
2024-02-04 23:56:25 [343,950ms] [Warning] [omni.physx.plugin] The fixed tendon axis at /panda/panda_hand/panda_finger_joint2 was not parsed due to a topology issue: Refer to the topology constraints in the USD schema doc for PhysxTendonAxisAPI.
2024-02-04 23:56:25 [344,021ms] [Warning] [omni.isaac.dynamic_control.plugin] Failed to find articulation at ‘/panda’
2024-02-04 23:56:25 [344,021ms] [Error] [omni.isaac.dynamic_control.plugin] DcGetArticulationRootBody: Invalid or expired articulation handle
2024-02-04 23:56:25 [344,021ms] [Warning] [omni.physx.tensors.plugin] Failed to find articulation at ‘/panda’
2024-02-04 23:56:25 [344,021ms] [Error] [omni.physx.tensors.plugin] Pattern ‘/panda’ did not match any articulations
2024-02-04 23:56:25 [344,022ms] [Error] [asyncio] Task exception was never retrieved
future: <Task finished name=‘Task-1382’ coro=<BaseSampleExtension._on_load_world.._on_load_world_async() done, defined at /home/pkoprov/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/exts/omni.isaac.examples/omni/isaac/examples/base_sample/base_sample_extension.py:152> exception=AttributeError(“‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘is_homogeneous’”)>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/pkoprov/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/exts/omni.isaac.examples/omni/isaac/examples/base_sample/base_sample_extension.py”, line 153, in _on_load_world_async
await self._sample.load_world_async()
File “/home/pkoprov/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/exts/omni.isaac.examples/omni/isaac/examples/base_sample/base_sample.py”, line 47, in load_world_async
await self._world.reset_async()
File “/home/pkoprov/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/exts/omni.isaac.core/omni/isaac/core/world/world.py”, line 520, in reset_async
await self.reset_async_no_set_up_scene(soft=soft)
File “/home/pkoprov/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/exts/omni.isaac.core/omni/isaac/core/world/world.py”, line 481, in reset_async_no_set_up_scene
File “/home/pkoprov/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/exts/omni.isaac.core/omni/isaac/core/scenes/scene.py”, line 322, in _finalize
File “/home/pkoprov/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/exts/omni.isaac.franka/omni/isaac/franka/franka.py”, line 118, in initialize
File “/home/pkoprov/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/exts/omni.isaac.core/omni/isaac/core/articulations/articulation.py”, line 294, in initialize
File “/home/pkoprov/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/exts/omni.isaac.core/omni/isaac/core/articulations/articulation_view.py”, line 349, in initialize
assert self._physics_view.is_homogeneous
File “/home/pkoprov/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/extsPhysics/omni.physics.tensors-105.1.12-5.1/omni/physics/tensors/impl/api.py”, line 170, in is_homogeneous
return self._backend.is_homogeneous
AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘is_homogeneous’