it seems to be simple : executing problem

When i try to execute this very simple program
the result “hello” does not appear.

PGI$ ls
PGI$ cat hello.f90
program hello
write(,) “hello”
PGI$ pgfortran hello.f90
NOTE: your trial license will expire in 13 days, 0.185 hours.
NOTE: your trial license will expire in 13 days, 0.185 hours.
PGI$ hello.exe
PGI$ ls
hello.dwf hello.exe hello.f90 hello.pdb

Hi alechand_ps,

What OS and Processor are you running? I suspect you are running Win7 with a AVX enabled processor (like Sandy-Bridge). If so, you will need to install Win7 SP1 or compile your code so that it targets an older processor (i.e. add “-tp nehalem-64”). Windows didn’t support AVX instructions until Win7 SP1 so any binary built using AVX will not run.

Hope this helps,

now it is working very well !