Jetpack 5.0.2,Jetson AGX Orin Developer Kit, one type-c not working

For anyone who still cannot have a successful result, please make sure

  1. You are really using jetpack5.0.2.

  2. You are really using NV devkit, but not some custom boards. This issue is only related to devkit.

  3. Please check if your board has the same board info as this. Only 3737-0000-400 board would be affected.

  1. Based on (2), if your carrier board sku/id is 3737-0000-400, then please go back to, check the log printed on the host and see if it is tegra234-mb1-bct-pinmux-p3701-0000-a04.dtsi in use.

If it is not this dtsi got flashed, please make sure you added the patch correctly.

If you are sure the patch is added correctly but the log still says the other pinmux dtsi is in use, then please also dump the eeprom on the module.

Command to dump module eeprom

sudo i2cdump -y 0 0x50

Command to dump carrier board eeprom

sudo i2cdump -y 0 0x56

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