JetPack 5.0.2 NvSciStream sample

Nvidia-l4t-nvsci is included in the new version of JetPack 5.0.2 ,R35.1.0
\35.1-public_sources\Linux_for_Tegra\source\public\nvsci_headers include nvscibuf.h 、nvscisync.h and nvscistream.h

\35.1-public_sources\Linux_for_Tegra\source\public\nvsci_samples_src include event_sample_app and rawstream

Can you provide the NvSciStream sample?
Can you provide the NvSciIpc sample withou cuda ?


You can find some NvSciStream usage in the event_sample_app.

We don’t have a sample for CPU usage.
Please modify it from the rawstream sample.


How to modify the rawstream example ,especially the CudaSync part ?use NvSciSyncAttrListCreate empty sync attribute ?Could you be more specific?
line 263 // Set up CUDA sync objects, importing NvSciSync objects
if (!setupCudaSync(&cudaInfo, producerSignalObj, producerWaitObj)) {
goto done;
if i use malloc memory for NvSciIpc without cuda,how can i modify the rawstream api of setupCudaSync funcation in rawstream_producer.c line 263?

setupCudaSync,setupCudaBufAttr,setupCudaBuffer,waitCudaFence,signalCudaFence funcation in rawstream_cuda.c file ,What should I replace these functions with?


We are checking with our internal team to see if we can provide a sample for host memory.
Will share more information with you.


thank you,How long will it take?
If it takes a long time, can you give me a piece of pseudocode and I’ll try it

can you give me a piece of pseudocode first ?


In general, it can work by removing all the CUDA part settings.
There are some samples in the document shared in the previous topic.

CPU Signaler Usage (p.85)
CPU Waiter Usage (p.88)



Here is a sample for your reference.
The patch is modified from the original rawstream sample.
0001-Update-to-use-CPU-buffer.patch (19.3 KB)


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