Jetson agx xavier (MAX9295/MAX9296): one (AR0233) camera works, two cameras don't (CSI port too busy?)

Hi Jerry,
This doesn’t fix the problem. The MAX9296 driver seems to be incomplete. If dst-csi-port is set to ‘b’, the driver does not configure pipes correctly. It looks like this is is due to the all of the pipes being initialised with MAX9296_CSI_CTRL_1 in max9296_pipes_reset(), and the switch statement in max9296_get_available_pipe() only looking at these pipes if dst_csi_port == GMSL_CSI_PORT_A

Both excerpts from max9296.c:

 175 static void max9296_pipes_reset(struct max9296 *priv)
 176 {
 177         /*
 178          * This is default pipes combination. add more mappings
 179          * for other combinations and requirements.
 180          */
 181         struct pipe_ctx pipe_defaults[] = {
 182                 {MAX9296_PIPE_X, GMSL_CSI_DT_RAW_12,
 183                         MAX9296_CSI_CTRL_1, 0, MAX9296_INVAL_ST_ID},
 184                 {MAX9296_PIPE_Y, GMSL_CSI_DT_RAW_12,
 185                         MAX9296_CSI_CTRL_1, 0, MAX9296_INVAL_ST_ID},
 186                 {MAX9296_PIPE_Z, GMSL_CSI_DT_EMBED,
 187                         MAX9296_CSI_CTRL_1, 0, MAX9296_INVAL_ST_ID},
 188                 {MAX9296_PIPE_U, GMSL_CSI_DT_EMBED,
 189                         MAX9296_CSI_CTRL_1, 0, MAX9296_INVAL_ST_ID}
 190         };
 192         /*
 193          * Add DT props for num-streams and stream sequence, and based on that
 194          * set the appropriate pipes defaults.
 195          * For now default it supports "2 RAW12 and 2 EMBED" 1:1 mappings.
 196          */
 197         memcpy(priv->pipe, pipe_defaults, sizeof(pipe_defaults));
 198 }
 518 static int max9296_get_available_pipe(struct device *dev,
 519                                 u32 st_data_type, u32 dst_csi_port)
 520 {
 521         struct max9296 *priv = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
 522         int i;
 524         for (i = 0; i < MAX9296_MAX_PIPES; i++) {
 525                 /*
 526                  * TODO: Enable a pipe for multi stream configuration having
 527                  * similar stream data type. For now use st_count as a flag
 528                  * for 1 to 1 mapping in pipe and stream data type, same can
 529                  * be extended as count for many to 1 mapping. Would also need
 530                  * few more checks such as input stream id select, dst port etc.
 531                  */
 532                 if ((priv->pipe[i].dt_type == st_data_type) &&
 533                         ((dst_csi_port == GMSL_CSI_PORT_A) ?
 534                                 (priv->pipe[i].dst_csi_ctrl ==
 535                                         MAX9296_CSI_CTRL_0) ||
 536                                 (priv->pipe[i].dst_csi_ctrl ==
 537                                         MAX9296_CSI_CTRL_1) :
 538                                 (priv->pipe[i].dst_csi_ctrl ==
 539                                         MAX9296_CSI_CTRL_2) ||
 540                                 (priv->pipe[i].dst_csi_ctrl ==
 541                                         MAX9296_CSI_CTRL_3)) &&
 542                         (!priv->pipe[i].st_count))
 543                         break;
 544         }
 546         if (i == MAX9296_MAX_PIPES) {
 547                 dev_err(dev, "%s: all pipes are busy\n", __func__);
 548                 return -ENOMEM;
 549         }
 551         return i;
 552 }