I am overwhelmed…it worked!
For all those who have the same problem, here is my solution (I used an Ubuntu 18.04 PC):
- go to Jetson Linux Archive | NVIDIA Developer
- select the latest version for the Jetson Nano
- on the page that opens, download the following (in my case Jetson Linux R32.7.4 | NVIDIA Developer):
- Driver Package (BSP)
- Simple Root Filesystem
- open the download folder in the terminal and type the following commands with your package names instead (Failed flash - Depends on failed component - #5 by DaveYYY):
$ sudo tar xpf ${SAMPLE_FS_PACKAGE} -C Linux_for_Tegra/rootfs/
$ cd Linux_for_Tegra/
$ sudo ./apply_binaries.sh
$ sudo ./tools/l4t_flash_prerequisites.sh
- the Jetson should be in recovery mode (connect FC REC to GND)
- now do the following:
- for me, the flashing was successful at this point
Special thanks to DaveYYY!