Hi, I have a Jetson Nano Dev Kit B01 4GB with SeedStudio J101 carrier board and I am trying to set up the Jetpack OS 4.6.1 in it following this article:- Install NVIDIA System based on Seeed Carrier Board(Jetson-J101) - Seeed Wiki.
I knew that there was a pre installed Jetpack in the 16 gb emmc but it was without the necessary libraries like CUDA, OpenCV, TensorRT, cuDNN etc.
I followed the “Flashing to eMMC with command-line” section from the article
So I followed the above article and followed the steps:-
Put the board in recovery mode.
Connected the board to a Ubuntu 20.04 host OS.
Followed the steps from the article and downloaded the necessary NVIDIA L4T 32.7.1 packacges into the Host OS which included :-
1- L4T Driver Package (BSP)
2- Sample Root Filesystem -
Follwing the downloads from NVIDIA site and other requirements and did all the necessary operations and commands as stated in the article and flashed the OS onto the Jetson Nano successfully.
Upon finishing the steps I got the successfully flashed message at the the end without any errors.
I followed up by setting the newly flashed Jetpack OS in Jetson Nano and after that I checked for libraries using “jtop” command and again I saw that the necessary libraries were not installed which can be seen the image below:-
I was hoping that upon setting up the device everything will be downloaded i.e. the full Jetpack OS with everything as mentioned on NVIDIA website and that I can start using it for my projects.
I know that after installing the whole Jetpack OS, very little space would be left in the 16GB emmc , that’s why I was going further flash this OS on to an external SD card and set it up so as to boot it from SD card taking reference form another Seedstudio article & use it, but that was not the case. I am stuck at setting up the OS part itself.
What I am expecting is that all the key features mentioned in this NVIDIA linkhttps://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/jetpack-sdk-461#:~:text=KEY%20FEATURES%20IN%20JETPACK on NVIDIA website to be present in the Jetpack 4.6.1 after the flashing to the board.
(I had to omit the space before the link because i was not allowed to add more than one link)
I am new to this Jetson nano and I am not sure what is missing here? Do I need to do anything else? Am I missing something? I need this issue to be resolved.
Please help me with this issue.
Note:- Also I don’t know why in the above image I accessed the window using “jtop” cmd and it shows that I have Jetpack 4.6.2 [L4T 32.7.2], whereas from the plain terminal If I check the version it shows Jetpack 4.6.1 [L4T 32.7.1] the one that I intended to download.