I was trying to install the latest JetPack 5.1.2 on a Jetson Xavier Developer kit using SDK Manager. The Xavier developer kit also has a Samsung 500MB SSD installed. After installation, I went ahead to install the other SDK software components and hit an error i.e. not enough memory.
Upon checking the disk partition of the Samsung SSD, it was partitioned to be 16GB with a free space of more than 400GB. It didn’t work after I tried to resize the partition. Xavier won’t not boot.
What should I do in order to have a larger root file parition?
how did you resize the partition?
The APP partition is always located at the end of the disk, so it should be easy to enlarge it.
Can you show the booting log from serial console here?
In case you want to re-flash, please refer to Workflow 3 in the README file under Linux_for_Tegra/tools/kernel_flash/README_initrd_flash.txt. It should automatically use all the space of your disk.
Yes, it can be found under the path you set for storing the BSP when using SDK Manager.
Or you can manually download it here: Jetson Linux 35.4.1 | NVIDIA Developer
I guess you selected Pre-Config for OEM Configuration, so it just entered the desktop upon booting after the flashing was done.
Please flash again and select Runtime instead; that way, the OEM config window will pop up upon first boot, and ask you to setup your user accounts, and you can also set the size of the APP partition there.
Yesterday I also tried jetsonhack method to boot from SSD. Upon running the script, it did ask me the partition size and I set to maximum size. I double check with “df” command after the installation completed and the right size was report. Df reported the SSD is 2% full instead of 45% when the partition was 15GB
By the way I come back here to seek help because jetsonhack method, the script is based on old release. After installing, there are some issues when I did an update i.e. sudo apt update.