L4t-base docker image

I found the l4t-base docker image NVIDIA L4T Base | NVIDIA NGC.
I imagined it would have all the l4t libs, drivers and tools pre-installed but it doesn’t appear to have any.
I was hoping it would let me avoid dealing with installing the linux_for_tegra stuff manually but that doesn’t seem to be the case.
Have I misunderstood its intention/capability?

Hi @jonathan.kehler, the NVIDIA drivers/CUDA are mounted into the container at runtime, so JetPack-L4T would still need to be installed on the device (the device would also not boot without L4T kernel flashed, ect).

For more info, please see here:


Thanks. I’m working with BalenaOS as my flashed image so I guess I get whatever they added (which I believe excludes anything more than the minimum - no CUDA etc…).