libi40iw-i40iw_upost_send: post work request failed, invalid opcode: 0x3


running an mpi test on ib Fails.

host is hpe xl230 redhatel 7.5 mlx5 . ibstat ibping is successful. Limits memlock are unlimited

any ideas?

thanks a lot

Markus Bentele

starccm+ -licpath 1716@flexlmhpc mailto:1716@flexlmhpc -mpi platform -fabricverbose -mppflags “-v -prot -e MPI_IC_ORDER=ibv -affopt=v” -on fnx601:4 -server -rsh “ssh -x”

Parsing application description…

Identifying hosts…

Spawning processes…

Process Map:

Process on host: fnx601

rank 0

rank 1

rank 2

rank 3

Process Map End.

Starting STAR-CCM+ parallel server

Process layout for world 0 is as follows:

mpirun: proc 3259

daemon proc 3262 on host

rank 0: proc 3887

rank 1: proc 3876

rank 2: proc 3893

rank 3: proc 3892

libi40iw-i40iw_upost_send: post work request failed, invalid opcode: 0x3

libi40iw-i40iw_upost_send: post work request failed, invalid opcode: 0x3

libi40iw-i40iw_upost_send: post work request failed, invalid opcode: 0x3

starccm+: Rank 0:1: MPI_Init: ibv_post_send() failed

starccm+: Rank 0:0: MPI_Init: ibv_post_send() failed

starccm+: Rank 0:1: MPI_Init: ibv_ring_sync() failed

starccm+: Rank 0:0: MPI_Init: ibv_ring_sync() failed

starccm+: Rank 0:1: MPI_Init: Internal Error: Processes cannot connect to rdma device

starccm+: Rank 0:0: MPI_Init: Internal Error: Processes cannot connect to rdma device

Hi Markus,

Thank you for posting your question on the Mellanox Community.

Based on the information provided, the issue occurs on the Intel Ethernet card and not on the Mellanox ConnectX-4/5 (mlx5) card.

For this issue, you need to contact Intel as they are the maintainer of the card and i40iw verbs.

Thanks and regards,

~Mellanox Technical Support