Dear All;
my GPU(GT 740m) shared memory is with maximum size of 48k
what is the maximum size for shared memory for square matrix of floats??
Dear All;
my GPU(GT 740m) shared memory is with maximum size of 48k
what is the maximum size for shared memory for square matrix of floats??
A float is 4 bytes.
Therefore we require x^2 to be less than (48k/4).
So a float matrix of dimensions 110x110 should fit in a 48kb shared memory array. (110x110x4 = 48400 bytes, 48kbytes = 49152 bytes)
Note that making allocation/usage decisions like this will generally limit your occupancy to one threadblock per SM.
can you explain more on this:
Note that making allocation/usage decisions like this will generally limit your occupancy to one threadblock per SM.
my gpu have 2 SMs
Shared memory is allocated per threadblock.
If a single threadblock requires approximately 48kb of shared memory, that will prevent other threadblocks from executing on that SM, until the existing threadblock is completed/retired.