MetaHuman A2F plugin (ACE) error loading behavior UE 5.3

Hi to everyone,

i’m tryng to lipsync my metahuman with ACE plugin:

i have the “SoundWave” file that is generated by ElevenLabs, and i want to lipsync that wav with my metahuman.

I implemented the ACE plugin but i receive the error:
“LogACERuntime: Error: Couldn’t read USoundWave ImportedSoundWave /Engine/Transient.ImportedSoundWave_0, try setting LoadingBehavior to ForceInline” as you can see in the image.

I implemented the plugin like that:

i tryed to change the “loadingBehaviour” with a custom method on C++ like that:

but at this point i don’t think the problem is the “loadingBehaviour”.

If i do it using an existing “WAV FILE”, it works fine. So the problem is when the audio is not coming from a file. Is there a way to handle this?

What am i missing?


I already posted the problem on:

and some people have the same issue.

Thanks again for your time.