Microsoft Kinect with Jetson TK1


I am trying to connect my Kinect with Jetson TK1. After having done the procedure described in a couple of sources (Getting Started - OpenKinect, Jetson TK1 with Microsoft Kinect using OpenKinect - JetsonHacks), I still cannot run my Kinect. This is what the terminal outputs:

Kinect camera test
Number of devices found: 1
Could not open audio: -4
Failed to open motor subdevice or it is not disabled. Failed to open audio subdevice or it is not disabled. Could not open device.

Anyone knows why this happens and how to fix it? Thanks!

Solved. Find solution below:

freenect_select_subdevices(f_ctx, (freenect_device_flags)(FREENECT_DEVICE_CAMERA | FREENECT_DEVICE_CAMERA));
freenect_select_subdevices(f_ctx, (freenect_device_flags)(FREENECT_DEVICE_CAMERA));
in glview.c.