I am missing a CUDA Toolkit 5.0 for 64-bit Ubuntu 11.10 in the developer downloads. According to the release notes it is supposed to exist. There is a 32-bit version, but only Ubuntu 10.04 for x64.
I just checked the CUDA 5.0 Preview download site accessed via the CUDA Registered Developer Program on Developer Zone, and I see both 64 and 32bit versions of the Toolkit for both versions of Ubuntu. (10.04 & 11.10 )
Can you check again?
Thanks for trying out CUDA 5.
Here is the copy/paste list of the files I see:
devdriver_5.0_winvista-win7_64_302.59_notebook.exe 204.73 MB download
cudatoolkit_5.0.8_macos.pkg 386.8 MB download
CUDA_Toolkit_Release_Notes.txt 31.15 KB download
cudatoolkit_5.0.7_win_64.msi .62 GB download
cudatoolkit_5.0.7_win_32.msi .52 GB download
cudatoolkit_5.0.7_linux_64_ubuntu10.04.run 418 MB download
cudatoolkit_5.0.7_linux_64_suse12.1.run 417.78 MB download
cudatoolkit_5.0.7_linux_64_sles11sp2.run 418.47 MB download
cudatoolkit_5.0.7_linux_64_rhel6.x.run 417.85 MB download
cudatoolkit_5.0.7_linux_64_rhel5.x.run 419.92 MB download
cudatoolkit_5.0.7_linux_64_fedora16.run 417.39 MB download
cudatoolkit_5.0.7_linux_32_ubuntu10.04.run 335.96 MB download
cudatoolkit_5.0.7_linux_32_sles11sp2.run 336.27 MB download
cudatoolkit_5.0.7_linux_32_rhel5.x.run 336.97 MB download
cudatoolkit_5.0.7_linux_32_fedora16.run 336.17 MB download
cudatoolkit_5.0.7_linux_32_ubuntu11.10.run 336.15 MB download
cuda-samples_5.0.8_macos.pkg 132.59 MB download
cuda-samples_5.0.7_linux.run 130.56 MB download
devdriver_5.0_linux_32_302.06.03.run 33.32 MB download
cuda-samples_5.0.7_macos.pkg 132.59 MB download
cuda-samples_5.0.7_linux.run 130.56 MB download
CUDA_Getting_Started_Windows.pdf .85 MB download
CUDA_Getting_Started_Linux.pdf .96 MB download
CUDA_Getting_Started_Mac.pdf .9 MB download
devdriver_5.0_winxp_32_302.59_general.exe 113.38 MB download
devdriver_5.0_winxp_64_302.59_general.exe 144.44 MB download
devdriver_5.0_winvista-win7_64_302.59_general.exe 177.53 MB download
devdriver_5.0_winvista-win7_32_302.59_notebook.exe 162.5 MB download
devdriver_5.0_winvista-win7_32_302.59_general.exe 135.02 MB download
devdriver_5.0_linux_64_302.06.03.run 56.55 MB download
As you can see there are both the 32-bit and the 64-bit version for Ubuntu 10.04, but only the 32-bit one for Ubuntu 11.10.
I wonder whether we are all looking at the same page. Like Nadeem, I definitely see a valid link for 64-bit Ubuntu 11.10:
(1) Go to http://developer.nvidia.com/
(2) On the right margin there is a green link “Registered Developer Website”
(3) Log in at the log-in screen
(4) Click on green link “CUDA/GPU Computing Registered Developer Program”
(5) Scroll down to section “Pre-Release CUDA Toolkit : CUDA 5 Preview Download”
(6) Click on the second part of the section title, which is a link “CUDA 5 Preview Download”
(7) Click on “I ACCEPT, PROCEED TO DOWNLOAD PAGE” to accept usage agreement
(8) Go to the “CUDA FOR LINUX” section (the second grey bubble), subsection 1 “Download Toolkit”
(9) Underneath “Ubuntu 11.10”, there are two light green buttons, the upper says “64 bit” the lower “32 bit”
(10) Click on the “64 bit” button, and the download of cudatoolkit_5.0.7_linux_64_ubuntu11.10.run should start
Note I did not check the contents of the downloaded file, but the link is definitely there.
We were not looking at the same site. I am logged in through the old nvdeveloper.nvidia.com site, from where I can reach the Recent downloads with CUDA 5.0 toolkit packages (with missing Ubuntu 11.10 64-bit package). It would not be a problem to login to the new site if my e-mail would be accepted. I have created a new account there now. I guess these are two different accounts and I honestly don’t understand why this is so. Not to mention that there is a THIRD account required to post to this forum.
P.S. OK, now I realized I would have to re-apply for the CUDA/GPU Computing Registered Developer Program. Instead I prefer to stick with the old site, which was much clearer and simpler to work with. For now I’ll use the 64-bit version for Ubuntu 10.04 and wait for the Ubuntu 11.10 link to appear in the final release. I don’t even know if it makes any difference.
Keep up the good work with CUDA but please clean up this mess with triple web accounts.
Not again, not again! Same issue here…
The same problem here. I thought that people with old accounts would be automatically transfered to the new site.
So I stick to the old account, wondering where Ubuntu 11.10 64-bit package might be…
Do I really need to apply for a new account? Really strange!
Sorry for the inconvenience. Best I know, user accounts from the old registered developer website could not be transferred to the new site. I would suggest simply signing up for the new registered developer website, that’s what I did myself, too. The signup / approval process for the new site should be fast, from what I have seen it usually happens within one business days after the approval process was streamlined some time ago. Let me know if approval takes more than two business days and I will follow up with the relevant folks.