I’m using the official Nvidia Cuda Repostory for Fedora to install both, the cuda toolkit and the nvidia driver. It works fine but the driver packages are missing a symlink that should be there since v495 (see release notes, first highlight). The symlink should be /usr/lib64/gbm/nvidia-drm_gbm.so → /usr/lib64/libnvidia-allocator.so.VERSION.
Without this symlink Wayland session does not start at all.
I created the symlink manually, but it would be nice if it was already in the package, unless there is a reason why it is not the case. The hard part of fixing the issue was finding out that the symlink was missing at all.
The repo I linked is not a Fedora repo but the Cuda repo provided by Nvidia. You could have seen this, if you hovered your mouse over the link or even clicked it :). The repo provides cuda including the driver. The issue is that (in contrast to the .run file) the symlink is missing.
I don’t know how fedora should solve this problem, when the packages are provided by Nvidia.