Hello, i am trying to run the ./mnistCUDNN test but it fails every time. i have NVIDIA 460 drivers installed but i had previously tried it with both 410 and 470. the version of cuda installed is 10.0 which is the version that i want to use so upgrading to the latest is not an option (./deviceQuery passes with this version). i installed cuda using the run file method and followed all post installation instructions. could anyone provide me with some help on getting CUDNN to successfully pass the test (CUDNN version i downloaded is for cuda 10.0). Thanks in advance
Hi @brendan2021 ,
Can you please confirm if you are following the steps as mentioned in the document?
hello, yes this is the guide i was following
Hi @brendan2021 ,
cuda 10.0 and cudnn 7.6 does not support ampere natively. With a new driver like 460 or 470, it has to JIT to be able to run on Ampere cards. At least cuda 11 and cudnn 8.0 is required to run on Ampere. We suggest you to download and try the latest version of cuDNN 8.2.4 + cuda11.4.