Can someone explain more about the device tree changes for the new super mode? I can see in the super mode device tree sources for the Orin NX modules (SKU0-4) that the VDD_IN regulator is still limited to 5V, so how does NVIDIA allow the devkits to reach higher voltages on the VDD_IN line with this new version? Does it have to do with the adjustments to oc_throttle
or bjt_offsets
in the soctherm
of the bpmp dtb?
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The reference developer kit of Orin NX is Orin Nano developer kit replacing Orin Nano module with Orin NX module(the fan is attached to Orin NX module). On the setup, super mode can be enabled. These files are added for super mode:
// In Linux_for_Tegra folder
And OC(overcurrent) limit is adjusted:
For design a custom board which can enable super mode, please refer to design guides: