Multi channel USB camera with Jetson

I try to use OpenCV on Jetson Nano to open multi-channel camera for TensorRT & Yolo target detection.
One channel and two channels of USB input work well(With 2 * 640 * 480 * 3 inputs).
But things goes bad when I try to run three channels of USB.
The console told me VIDIOC_STREAM: No space left on device.
Is nano’s USB bus limited?
How to handle this?
Because I want to do 4 interface with a low speed in the same one Jetson Nano.
It well save a lot of money for my company.

I look forward to your recovery!

This is limitation of default board. Please refer to the topic:

So you may need to design a custom board to get enough USB3 bandwidth. Or use the m2 slot for extension. Check if there is m2 usb adapter. It is M.2 E key slot on Nano and looks like there is no such adapter. May not be able to utilize the M2 slot on devkit for this usecase.