My deepstream program uses VIC, how can I set it not to use VIC

When using jps, I found that VIC was not used, but when I used the example of deepstream-test5, I used the configuration of ai_nvr, but found that VIC was used. Please help me to see how to configure it so as not to use VIC, because there are bugs in VIC introduced in the document.

The official documentation only refers to ds-config-0_agx.yaml, but does not specify which configuration fields are used

config.txt (5.5 KB)
config_infer_primary_RN34_PN26_960x544_dla0_orin_unprune_agx.txt (1.0 KB)

Below config in config_infer_primary_RN34_PN26_960x544_dla0_orin_unprune_agx.txt will set nvinfer use GPU instead of VIC to do preprocess.


You can see that I used scaling-compute-hw=1, but still used VIC

Maybe other plugin (nvvideoconvert/nvstreammux/nvtiler/nvtracker) will use VIC based on the config.