My jetson nano keeps rebooting suddenly, I tried to change the microusb wire and I still have the same problem.
these are the errors appears before the rebooting
My jetson nano keeps rebooting suddenly, I tried to change the microusb wire and I still have the same problem.
Try to reflash the board. Looks like filesystem is corrupted.
BTW, why do you think change such thing can solve anything?
It might be slightly difference between the gauge, however, the board kept notify about the “system throttled due to over-current”.
however, to avoid this to happen again, what are the reasons that cause such a problem?
If there is nothing else running on the board, make sure the power adapter meets the spec of Jetson nano requirement first.
I use micro usb connected to my laptop.
Have you reflashed the board yet? I think we need to check your new situation after the software got reset.
yes I did twice. how to check that?
please dump the log from serial console when that situation happened.
BTW, do I need to update python version after setting up the jetson? I kept receiving python errors
Also, is it possible to upgrade ubentu from 18.04 to 22.04? if yes where can i find the image?
Are you talking about a python error you saw on your host machine or you are talking about a error from Jetson?
no in my terminal :) I know its not the case here but u might have the solution
Could you just give me a direct answer whether it is for your host PC or for Jetson?
“in my terminal” is a really ambiguous answer… I can dump the jetson info to my terminal too… then what does that answer mean? It means nothing…
I apologies!
in my jetson nano, not the PC
Could you share what kind of error do you see?
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