New GTX4090 HDR Support on Linux?

Hello all,

after I bought a GTX4090 and can now finally enjoy super cool graphics, I was wondering how it is about HDR support for Linux? You can’t really read anything about it, everything is already several years old. What is the status of HDR?

NVIDIA-SMI 530.41.03 (Ubuntu Repository)
Kernel 5.19.0-45-generic
cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-nvidia.conf                                                                                                           130 ↵
Section "OutputClass"
    Identifier  "nvidia"
    MatchDriver "nvidia-drm"
    Driver      "nvidia"
    Option "TripleBuffer" "True"
    Option "AllowEmptyInitialConfiguration"
    ModulePath "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/nvidia/xorg"
    Option "metamodes" "5120x1440 { ForceFullCompositionPipeline = On }"

Thanks and Best Regards :)

Any news about Driver 565 and Kernel 6.12?

It works fine now, but you need to use Plasma or Hyprland, if I’m not wrong, and run your games using gamescope.
Enable HDR in DE/WM settings and use something like this in the game’s Steam launch options:

gamescope --hdr-enable -w 3840 -h 2160 – %command%
(set the resolution parameters according to your display)

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I suspect that this only works from Plasma 6.x onwards. Because in Plasma 5 there is no HDR option. I have to test that with gamescope first. Thanks.

Yes, HDR support was introduced in Plasma 6. You can use HDR launching gamescope from the terminal in embedded mode (booting in multi-user target) with the appropiate parameters without Plasma 6, but you lose VRR that way, at least when I tried it.